Cashew Cream

Cashew Cream
If you’ve never tried this, you are missing out big time, this is the creme
de la creme, when it comes to cream, it is sugar free and loaded with
niacin (B3) rich cashew nuts, and tastes sweet and creamy like, well, erm,
cream. Pouring cream that is, which I never used to be a fan of (as a
vegetarian) but this delicious and vegan and my kids love it too.
1 cup raw cashew nuts
8 pitted neglet nour dates
water or dairy free milk of choice.

Put them in the blender for a couple of minutes until smooth.
You will need to judge the amount of liquid you add based upon your
cream preference, some like it runny some a bit thicker, I don’t care with
this, its always been good whatever the consistency.

And hey, if you try this and you don’t like it (although that’s not very likely, in my opinion)
you can always just add it to a smoothie, it’ll add a creamy sweetness and
a bunch of extra nutrients to your smoothie, its a win-win.